Where Can I Get Involved?

Children’s Church

During Sunday morning services, kids have a special area to go for activities that teach them about Jesus on their level. For example, the kids learn God’s 10 Commandments and what it means to follow them. An announcement is made to dismiss the kids to children’s’ church after the worship time. Call for more information or ask a greeter on Sunday about our children’s’ church!

Youth Group. Amazing Love is currently searching for a Youth Pastor. Please send resume to 222 Citrus Road. River Ridge, LA 70123, Attention Pastor Eddie.

For teenagers 13 and older, we offer Engage Student Ministry! Engage has its own weekly services on Thursday evenings at 5:30 pm and other fun events scheduled during the month. Teenagers are challenged to engage God in their lives, connect with others, and bring the truth about Jesus to those around them, and to do all these things with passion! For more information, contact Pastor Eddie Tramell at pastoreddie918@gmail.com Phone: (504) 273-1231

Women’s Ministry

Ladies of all ages are invited to take part in women’s events held on the second Saturday of each month at 10:30 AM. Location (and schedule) may vary. Our ladies know how to enjoy life and pursue God! Each month is something different. And each event includes a look at God’s Word for a message relevant to a woman’s heart. For more information, contact Elaine Weixel by texting 504-214-0073 or mailto:chefwithclasses@bellsouth.net

Community Outreach

Amazing Love Church is extending hands of compassion to our community by providing for physical and spiritual needs. This is done through visiting, praying with, and meeting physical needs of the homeless and others around our city. You can get involved by donating money or clothing in good condition. You can also get involved with delivering supplies and ministering to the recipients.

Nursing Home Outreach

On the 3rd Saturday of each month from 10 to 11:30 AM, Amazing Love Church participates in visitation to a nursing home in our local area. Hearts and spirits of the residents are lifted through singing worship songs and other activities. To get involved, call the church and ask about the nursing home ministry. You do not have to come every month to be a part of this ministry.
Men’s Ministry
Men that want to build relationships with Christ and with other men, meet the 4th Saturday of each month at 9 am. Brother Joe Pizzolato leads an open discussion on the bible and it’s teaching. We have food and fellowship.  Men are invited to bring their sons so that we can help train them up in the ways of the Lord.